So, who won? Here are the Beta Monkey Video Contest Winners!Screen Shot of Beta Monkey drum loops video contest

After poring over the many diverse submissions we received for the Beta Monkey Video Contest, we’re proud to announce the winners.

While we wished we could award prizes to everyone who posted videos on YouTube or sent videos directly, here are the ones that really stood out in a crowded field.

And, because of some arguing here over which should win, place or show, we actually added two Second Prize winners.

So, because of the impressive work, in so many different styles and approaches, we felt compelled to expand the winners’ pool just a bit. Alright, already, let’s get to the winners. The following were the song videos we selected.

And, congrats to everyone who participated. We appreciate the effort and the support that all of you shared with us, Because, without “you,” there would definitely be no “us”!

To all winners, look for your prizes in the mail very shortly. We will contact you to get your sample library selections and they’ll be shipped USPS Priority Mail as soon as we can get that information for you all.

So, in all, a great response with some wonderful work using Beta Monkey drum loops – we can only encourage everyone to continue the great work, whether you share it on YouTube, your own site, or any number of other venues. Please continue sending your links our way.

And, look for another contest in the not-so-distant future…get your creations in order for the next shot at some great (and FREE) Beta Monkey gear!

As always, enjoy the grooves!


Andrew Oye – A phenomenal guitarist and musician who served up not only some inspired heavy riffing, but some laughs as well. Short and to the point, Andrew needed only 1:40 to showcase he could bring the serious goods. Even with an electronic drumkit gently weeping in the background, Andrew knows there’s no replacing the sweat and blood of some live, chest-pounding metal grooves! He certainly makes Double Bass Mania II sound great:

Angel Reca: A stand-out for any number of his YouTube videos, all of which showcase one of the best guitarists we have seen or heard. Angel is one of those guys that certainly has “it” – the tone, the chops, the talent. You think of any superlative that is typically bestowed upon guitar heroes and we’d put good money on the table that Angel deserves many if not all of them. He really is one of those otherworldly beings who has come down to Earth to share his tasty and nasty mastery of the six-string with the mortals. One of his tastiest and nastiest jams can be heard here with grooves taken from Drum Werks XII:

Chris Aanensen: No one submitted more videos to the contest than Chris. A diehard creative-type, he was emailing us links to his latest video creations on a nearly-daily basis. We had to hand-it to him – his burning desire to show what he could with Beta Monkey drum loops was unstoppable. Driven by a deep passion to create and share his music with us and the world, Chris took home a runners-up prize because his spirit to is something we can truly admire. The guy is unstoppable, no matter what Beta Monkey disc he decided to put through the paces!

Second Prize:

Chris Carter: What Chris sent in truly was a one of a kind. The song alone is clever, catchy as all hell, and as memorable as they come. Now, add to that a video that we defy you can turn off without wanting to stay around and see how it turns out… now that’s a recipe for recognition. Pure, power-pop goodness using the no-nonsense punk grooves found on Drum Werks X – Chris has put together a video that we can all sit back and enjoy. Chris’ band Waiting for Katherine describes itself this way: “Just take a dash of quintessentially British pop, rock it up a bit, throw in some humour, then some angst, mix it all up with gallons of adrenaline and you get what Waiting for Katherine are all about.” From this video alone, we’d say there’s no way to dispute that!

Grand Prize

Rick Parsons: Little did we know when we were sweating through shirt after shirt and ripping enough blisters in our hands for a lifetime that the Double Bass Mania IV sessions would produce such truly sinister video and music. I guess we never could have imagined a guy like Rick Parsons out there, just waiting to unleash the fury as the sound and vision of Rick’s “Double Death Mania” so powerfully does. Rick’s demonic classic really tears it up and showcases his talents to the hilt. A talented musician with other creative gifts as well, this video just was so over-the-top it was screaming, “Here’s your winner right here!”

While metal is certainly not everyone’s music of choice, Rick’s work showcases what we all strive to do: play our heart’s out and get people to pay attention. We admire that and we admire what he has created. We can only wonder what depths Rick will go to with ten new Beta Monkey discs in his arsenal. Congrats Rick!